file: ~/courses/spring2007/303/PSpice_assist.txt RWN 02/01/07 In order to load library files in PSpice version 10, the campus version, install the *.lib file in one of your directories. Then use the Menu system of PSpice's Capture CIS: Menu (the toolbar) PSpice New Simulation Profie Name (create a new one or use any present one) Cofiguration Files Catagory Library (also set the Library path) Add (to the Profile if you do not have permission for Global) In order to add a ground node labelled zero: at the part window (on the Menu of the toolbar) type in 0 In order to use PARAM: Menu (the toolbar) Place Part double click on PARAM (or in the part window on the toolbar type in PARAM) insert a new column with name and a value (which becomes the default) choose display format name and value to see on the schematic