file:a:\f95\ee493\magicuse.003 disk:Courses Fall 1995                              RWN                       09/04/95- 12/28//99

                        Key Steps in Using Magic

Some notation:     LC, MC, RC = left, middle, right click of mouse buttons;           <= = enter = return

Some useful commands within MAGIC ( : is used on and to go to  the command line in the control                                                                                  window while others are within the draw window)

                a = select area                      b = box coordinates                              c = copy

                g = grid and ungrid             o = open and close window  :q<= = quit MAGIC

                s = select block                    u = undo                                 U= redo

                x = expand                             X = unexpand                                        z = zoom                Z = unzoom

                . = redo last command         :load <file>            :move <direction><distance> or use LC in box

                                                                :getcell <file> [can’t easily edit]       :dump <file> [can easily edit]

:label <text> [inserts @ box top]       :erase label [select label box first]  :move [selected box to cursor]

:what [gives layers selected]

 Some useful commands of UNIX; pwd <= = display working directory    cd .. <= = return to previous directory   ls <= = list files             cp <= = copy          cd <=    = return to home directory

Major Steps in Magic

 1. After logon to a EE Department UNIX machine, cd <directory where desire files> <=

 2. tap magic <=    =              (creates a MAGIC control window)

 3. magic <file> <= =           (creates the file <file>.mag and runs magic in a MAGIC draw window                  which appears after some wait and on LC) (shows technology file used and magic version = 6.x)

     [alternate: magic <= = then :cif read <file> or if  need a flattened cif file use :cif flat <file>]

 4. :open palette <= (or better palette_09_06_95) (displays the palette and layout symbols to click on for making the layout use RC on lower left to enlarge, MC on a color to transfer a color)

 5. Resize the screen as desired by LC on the upper right resize box.

 6. Make the layout as desired

                a. space bar changes tools among

                                box          [cursor = cross]                   (use for devices)                  

                                netlist    [cursor = square]

                                wiring    [cursor = up arrow]             (use for connections)

                b. to make a box: LC on lower left corner and RC on upper right

                                                MC on color desired to fill in the box (dots=drc error)

                                                MC on blank to erase

                c. to insert sublayout files, put left bottom corner of the selecting box where desire and type

                                                :getcell <file> <= = ; to expand this sublayout put selecting box around and

                                                type x

d. if need pads use :getcell <pad-file> (some magic pad files=40pc22a_pad or 40pc22x22 or 40protected_pad) then :expand

 7. :drc find <= = design rule checker;           :drc why <= = error reason

 8. :ext <= = creates the extract <file>.ext for simulations (add <style> where style is lambda=<L> where L=0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.6 with default = 1.0

 9. :cif <= = creates <file>.cif for graphics and MOSIS fabrications;

for 1.6u first do :cif ostyle lambda=0.8(gen) which sets default of 0.8 needed for fabrication

10. :save <= = save and then :q <= = quit to exit MAGIC

The following is outside of the MAGIC draw window (use Ctrl-z or q) but in the MAGIC control window       

11. ext2spice <file> <= =    (uses <file>.ext to give <file>.spice)

12. To print, if saved a <file>.cif use cif2ps <file>.cif  <file>.ps <=  then print as a postscript file

                via qpr -q <printer>-ps <file>.ps

13. exit machine with logout <= =

Notes:    1. MAGIC is in ~cad/bin; tutorials are in ~cad/lib/magic/tutorial

                2. Tutorials 1 & 2 (of 09/19/90) and scalable technology manual of MOSIS (09/08/89) are the                        most important at the start

                3. For design rule checker rules see Tutorial (of 09/19/90) #6, p. 2.